Welcome to GTA Raleigh


About Us

We are excited to introduce the Global Telangana Association (GTA), a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting vibrant Telangana community worldwide. Our mission is to drive cultural preservation, creating a legacy of unity, and foster community service in the USA and Telangana.

Everyone is welcome to join us, regardless of their background or origin! We are inclusive and open to all who want to be part of our community. Our Raleigh Chapter specifically focuses on the Raleigh/Apex/Holly Springs/Garner/Wake Forest/Angier areas.

We are thrilled to announce that there is no membership fee for the year 2024 🤩and lifetime membership plans will be available starting in 2025:


Join GTA - Raleigh

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Sollicitudirem sem quibibendum auci elit cons equat ipsutis sem nibh id elituis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus equat ipsutis gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquetn.

Meet our Board


Board Members 2024

Ravinder Reddy Gaddampally
Vice President, U.S.A
Radhesh Reddy Gurrala
Board of Trustee, U.S.A
Sreenivas Naganaboyina
Aparna Kandimalla
Vanitha President
Rekha Jinna
Vanitha Vice President
Madhu Kanmanthareddy
General Secretary
Sandeep Reddy Jambula
Joint Secretary
Neeraja Danda
Social Media
Nischala Chiluveru
Cultural Chair
Priyanka Etikala
Cultural co- chair
Laxmi Gaddampally
Vanitha Advisor
Shilpa Garlapatey
Vanitha Service
Rajitha Kotha
community chairs
Sudhir Kankanala
Sports Chair
Vinay Cheruku
Events chair
Prasad Kasinadhuni
Web Committee Chair
Chaitanya Kolluri
Media co-Chair

What Members Say



Fantastic! Great



I Enjoyed Every Event!



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From the News Desk

Telangana State Anthem

Jaya jaya He Telangana… Telangana State Anthem Telangana State Jaya


Telangana won five Green Apple Awards Telangana won five ‘Green

State Symbols

State Symbols The Telangana government has announced the following four

Our Sponsors

